
Oberheim OBXa Factory Presets on the Arturia Polybrute First Half (Free/Pay What You Can)

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Oberheim OBXa Factory Presets on the Arturia Polybrute First Half (Free/Pay What You Can)

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This is the first set of 48 patches from the Oberheim OBXa, recreated on the Arturia PolyBrute. This bank includes the following sets from the OB-Xa. Each set (eg. Set A, Set AB, etc.) has eight patches:


Since I do not have access to a real OB-Xa, I relied heavily on the Arturia OP-Xa V to create these.

If you want to compare these presets with the VST, you can demo a copy of the OP-Xa V on Arturia's website here:

A demo of most of the sounds in this bank can be viewed on YouTube at the following link:

I've included instructions here for loading via the included .PBX bank file or the .PBPROJECT project file.

Installing using the .PBX file:

  1. Downolad the "OB-XaOnThePolyBrute.pbx" file.
  2. Open PolyBrute Connect.
  3. Click on "PolyBrute Connect" at the top left of the main window.
  4. Select "Import" and navigate to the location where you saved the .PBX file.
  5. Select the OB-XaOnThePolyBrute.pbx and click "Open".
  6. Now, when you navigate to the Preset Browser within PolyBrute Connect, you can use the User bank filters to find the 56 presets in this bank.
  7. Please let me know if you experience any problems loading the presets.

Installing using the included PBPROJECT file:

  1. Download the "OBXa Bank A.pbproject" file to your computer.
  2. Open PolyBrute Connect.
  3. In PolyBrute Connect, navigate to the "Preset Browser".
  4. Click on "Browse Projects". If you currently have a project file open within PolyBrute Connect, navigate back to your list of projects.
  5. Click the "Import" button.
  6. Navigate to your previously saved "OBXa Bank A.pbproject", select it and click "Open".
  7. The project file should now be listed in the "Browse Projects" section of PolyBrute Connect.
  8. You can now select the project to view the patch names.
  9. Using the right-side of the PolyBrute Connect window, you should be able to navigate to some empty "Init" slots on your PolyBrute.
  10. Select the patches from the left side ("OBXa Bank A") and drag them over to the right side to drop them into the empty "Init" slots of your PolyBrute.
  11. Enjoy!
I want this!

The first half of the Oberheim OBXa factory presets on the Arturia PolyBrute

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Try loading patches in Morph A/B slots of the PolyBrute
Get amazing new sounds by morphing between two of these awesome retro patches!
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