
Yamaha CS80 on the Arturia PolyBrute

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Yamaha CS80 on the Arturia PolyBrute

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If you like patches that sound epic, cinematic, sci-fi, horror, thriller, beautiful, lush, nostalgic, etc. this bank is for you. Countless hours were spent creating the 66 patches that are included.

This preset bank is different from the others that I've uploaded. The original CS80 presets that are included are just the beginning. I've spent the last few months creating patches that are built using those original CS80 preset sounds as well. So you get the original dry sounds of the CS80 Tone Selector buttons, plus many new creations based on the CS80 tone that make full use of the PolyBrute's modulation and expression capabilities.

Below, you can read a deeper explanation of what's here. If you want to just skip to the demo video, here's the link:


Most importantly, all 22 of the Yamaha CS80's factory presets are here (aka the "Tone Selector" buttons). For many of the CS80 preset patches, I've sourced two different recordings of the CS80 and created alternate versions. The alternate versions are significantly different from one another, which is expected from an aging analog synth. The original CS80 preset recreation is stored in Morph A for each of these patches and is a dry sound (no effects). I've done this so you can use them to create your own CS80 based sounds or mix and match with the other CS80 tones. The Morph B for each of these patches is a new creation using the original Morph A's CS80 timbre as a starting point. The Morph B uses the full functionality of the PolyBrutes expressive controls (Morphee, touch strip, aftertouch). In most of my demonstration video, I am using aftertouch and the z-axis of the Morphee (via the expression pedal) to control some of the modulations that have been assigned. In many cases, I have only demonstrated part of each patch's expressiveness (mostly in the interest of time and my sanity in completing this project).

13 famous CS80 patches (according to my hasty research on the interwebs) were also recreated by listening, tweaking, listening again, starting over, repeating the process until satisfied. Some of these patches are layered, some are split, some are single layer. Whenever single layers were used, I've provided an alternate version of the patch in Morph A and Morph B.

Many new creations in this bank were made using layering of the CS80 factory presets as a base timbre. I spent a lot of time experimenting with combining the various CS80 presets to see what kind of interesting sounds I could get - just like you could do on a real CS80. I chose my favourite combinations and went to town turning them into lush, interesting, dynamic, and expressive patches. This is one of the most fun things to do with this bank. Using the PolyBrute's Morph button on the preset grid, you can take the Morph A of any of the CS80 presets and combine it with another preset's Morph A - just like pressing two of the tone-selector buttons on a real CS80! You are, of course, limited to only three notes of polyphony with layered patches like this, but I can't tell you how easy and fun it is to get carried away feeling like you are actually using a CS80 and discovering very useable and beautiful sounds.

Here is a listing of the patches in this bank:

Famous Sounds (13 Patches)

Dr Who Bass 2B - This is a recreation of the Dr. Who bass sound from the 1980's TV theme.

Dr Who Bass - This is an alternate version of the Dr. Who bass sound that can be heard on a video where the 1980's theme producer (Peter Howell) demonstrates how he created the original patch on a CS80.

Toto's Africa - This is the brass sound that we all recognize in the song's hook.

Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmastime - The repeats in this recognizable tune are done using a square wave LFO modulating the cutoff, not a delay as it is sometimes mistaken for.

Empire of the Sun's Walking On A Dream - The muted brass-like patch that is used to play the chord progression played throughout the song.

Ozzy Osbourne's Mr Crowley - A split patch with the eerie organ like sounds on the upper part of the keyboard and the creepy lead melody on the lower part.

Michael Jackson's Billie Jean - This patch is meant to sound similar to what you hear on the record.

Billie Jean Dry - This alternate version is a recreation of what you hear when you listed to the deconstructed version of the song when everything is separated into stems and no processing/mixing has yet been applied.

Vangelis' Blade Runer Lead - Increasingly becoming the synth-equivalent to playing 'Stairway' in a guitar shop. But you just can't stop yourself....

Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA - A very recognizable sound from the mid 1980's.

Bruce Springsteen's Dancin in Dark - A nice soft muted brass sound.

Michael Jackson's The Way You Make Me Feel - This is a recreation of the sort-of crunchy bass sound you hear at the beginning of the song. The internet probably wanted me to do the strings sounds, but there are enough beautiful string sounds in this bank that I went for a bit of a challenge on this one.

Dr Who Sting - Also from the Peter Howell theme from the 1980s, this patch is a recreation of that first blast-retro-laser-sweep type sound that plays at the very beginning of the theme. It uses an envelope modulated ring modulator effect.

CS80 Tone Selector (Preset) Buttons (33 Patches)

For these patches, Morph A is a recreation of the original preset with no effects. A link to the original recording that I used to recreate the patch is provided for each. Alternate versions of some patches are also provided if I had more than one good source for the sound. Morph B of each is a patch that I created using the Morph A's original CS80 timbre as a starting point. Morph B for each patch makes use of the PolyBrute's expressive controls and effects in addition to lots of modulation assignments in the matrix.

Bass, Brass 1, Brass 2, Brass 3, Clavichord 1, Clavichord 2, Electric Piano, Flute, Funky 1, Funky 2, Funky 3, Funky 4, Guitar, Guitar 2, Harpsichord 1, Harpsichord 2, Organ 1, Organ 2, String 1, String 2, String 3, String 4, String 12B, String 34B, Brass 12C, Funky 12, Harpsichord 12, String IB, String IIB, String IIIB, String IVB, Brass 12, Brass 12B.

More CS80 Inspired Sounds (20 Patches)

Extra creations using single CS80 preset tones or by layering two different ones - just like you could do on a real CS80. These patches also make extensive use of the PolyBrutes modulation capabilities and expressive controls.

WreckedVHS, Ethereal BrassString, ChamberString, Brass Intense, Brass Mute, DuoBrass1, EPianoAmbiance, StringEnsem, OrgaString, Flute Brass 3, Epiano Bass, Angry Bass, ScareAmbient, 80sVidGameTalk2, Organ 12, String 13, String 1A, Clavichord 12, Flute B, String 12C.

Installing using the .PBX file:

  1. Downolad the "CS80onthePolyBrute.pbx" file.
  2. Open PolyBrute Connect.
  3. Click on "PolyBrute Connect" at the top left of the main window.
  4. Select "Import" and navigate to the location where you saved the .PBX file.
  5. Select the CS80onthePolyBrute.pbx and click "Open".
  6. Now, when you navigate to the Preset Browser within PolyBrute Connect, you can use the User bank filters to find the 66 presets in this bank.
  7. Please let me know if you experience any problems loading the presets.
  8. Enjoy!

A note about purchases of downloadable content:

Due to the nature of this being a downloadable file that is not possible to protect from pirating, I can't offer refunds once your purchase is complete. Please be sure to check the demo video first and/or ask me any questions you might have if you are not sure about the purchase. I am always available for any technical assistance if you have any trouble installing the presets. I hope that sounds fair. Thanks for your interest :).

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66 PolyBrute patches including the original CS80 preset sounds and many lush, beautiful, cinematic, fun-to-play, expressive patches.

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